Saturday, April 23, 2022

Do Not Vote For The Weasel!!

As I promised as a Community leader that dealt with many politicians and was involved with politics all around the world as a Black person always wanted to uplift our Black folks to the truth about us and not live in a whitewashed unhealthy environment. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of politicians. We clearly see in the Political arena now that we have some overzealous people on both sides of the parties. *Secondly I want to alert all the women and all voters that have and or are dealing with the #narsacisstic #weasel Phillip Carter that is running for County Commissioner. I encountered the #weasel when I was working my precinct in the 2006 elections. You will recognize these traits as you read this. On this day he began to recognize my skills in relating to my precinct voters and started to compliment me. He hung around for a while and then came back with an attorney. He had called in a complaint of a voter that he disagreed with and reported them. He became attached to me as a friend. He had so many agendas to discuss East Winston. He then began to pop up at my house because I would give him a listening ear. Wait a minute, I was always told not to say bad things about people without saying something good. The #weasel is a very good statistician. He would like to coach and reiterate what I would say at the City Council or any other group meeting I attended. There was a time I recognized how he would like to just stand or sit back and watch you espouse what he coach you to say. Over the years I noticed that he did only females like that in all city council meetings and other settings. I watch him take a young sister out in the lobby twice to coach her on what to say in the city meeting. I watched him sit back (grinning) in city council as a lady espoused what he taught her. All these befriended women need to ask about Phillip Carters' wife and where is she. This story gets lengthy so I'm going to write the rest in my blog......... Ok,back to what I know about the #weasel. What you need to know is that he ran for City Council in the North Ward and lost then ran in the East Ward and lost. He had placed himself in political groups and other neighborhood organizations to position himself in the public eye . He wants very bad power and control over money. He destroyed Harold Hairston of African American Caucus in waging a complaint also using something I had said as well. He then join the AAC and ran it to oblivion. When he ran in 2008 I noticed that most of his yard signs in my area were posted at many well known drughouses and then I ran across a newspaper where he openly admitted to Drug Use. I used that paper to help his opponent win and Phillip reported me to the FCDParty which ask me to stop. I left to Party for awhile. It was a rough year for Blacks in Winston Salem. Whites wanted Hillary and we wanted OBAMA. Senator Earline Parmon also left out and retain her own office that year. Later P Carter had moved over to the 2nd,3rd, 4th street apartmets in East Winston. Weird -He began to championed less seedy folks causes and was looking pretty ruff. I personally know the nuances. He took over being the Precinct Chair in East Winston Library Precinct and this happened- Next everyone found that he lied again about where he was living and he had moved which really was a felony in stating where you live to run a Precinct. There was also a financial discrepancy of a large sum of money sitting in a organization he created name DAAP. There is so much more complex things about this man that all those females that I see are in his corner--Warning--You will get burnt trusting this narcisstic man that just wants power. I noticed some of you also want power. Guilt by association will determine that. KNOW WHO YOU ARE VOTING FOR FOLKS!!