Wednesday, July 29, 2020


A failed leader
People that want Power are evil.
In February 2019 London Mackinney - Mac-Carpenter and her Cohort Barksdale ran a coup to remove Sean Hawkins and Dee Washington from 14th Street Precinct. They began calling, texting, emailing me about removing someone (PC) that was controlling the East Ward Precincts.
Ask me how to win the Precinct Chair elections and I told them the procedure not knowing that they would not keep Dee Washington & Sean Hawkins in the group. I'm showing an evil pattern here- stay with me. L. McKinney did nothing in March 2020 election cycle - (no calling voters or knocking on doors) with this precinct and her friend lost the elections. Or did she want his opponent to win? Birds of a feather flock together.
Remember look for the pattern--- so in May I had 2 mentees that we all decide to do something with for COVID19 in our community-
So London McKinney began calling my mentees as her & Barksdale called me ( same tactics) constantly, daily.
What's important L. Mckinney failed to qualify for a Grant twice with NBN but I qualified twice and this grant was extended also to my 2 mentees which L McKinney convinced them to violate the conditions of the Grant. See a pattern? L. Mckinney also brought in M. Banner. oh my, don't get me talking about him offering me a tote of his...... and lying on one of my Art Selectees.

So I returned my portion of the Grant $1,000 to keep my good work in the community credible & with integrity.
NBN should rescind the other 2 mentees' grant in my group (Chiquita Evans & Alexis Devaughn) for consciously violating the terms.
All Philantropc groups should monitor London Mc Kinney Carpenter & Ms. Barksdale and circle of friends for only wanting to gain access to money & not doing any good in our community.
They are mean-spirited and the circle of ladies that I know are with them are definite troublemakers.
I have receipts! emails, messages (copied)
Watch out for CUREneighbors -She has run that into the ground. They need a new president . maybe Kanika B because she is a concern and doing great things for people.