Sunday, September 28, 2014


WHEN CHURCH IS TAKING AWAY FROM A COMMUNITY AND RUNNING AWAY THE RESIDENTS OF THE COMMUNITY IT SEEMS AS A TAKEOVER. WE'VE LOST OUR RESIDENT BAND, FREEDOM TO HAVE OUR OWN EVENTS,BEING CHARGED FOR OUTDOOR EVENT IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY, EMPEDING ON SURROUNDING PROPERTY,DIMINISHING THE SCHOOL .THEN YOU ARE LOST SOULS. NEVER CONSULTED WITH ANY OF THE COMMUNITY LEADERS . JUST TOOK THE COMMUNITY FOR GRANTED. A REAL TAKEOVER. THE DEVIL WILL NEVER WIN! WE WELCOMED THE YOUTH ACTIVITES . IT BROUGHT LIFE INTO A DISTRESSED COMMUNITY BUT TO WANT TO COMPLETELY TAKEOVER OUR FUTURE PLANS FOR OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS WRONG. SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT US TO THE TABLE. I STAND FOR MY PEOPLE WITH GOD. **Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile=Said about someone who has been given a small amount of power or freedom to do something, and then has tried to get a lot more. *How they going to charge the residents of this Community after we've been more than cooperative of them. This is what you get dealing with people that say they are Christians. smh Praying that God turn this Greed around. To mistreat the people of this community is extremely unGodly. mentality of our oppressor -to try & move people from their homes. and recreation source. learn takeover from VB huh? yeah yall!!..............

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Watching the abundance of news coverage of 1 single white woman and the lack of empathy for African American losses makes one wonder if this is an Eye for an Eye of what is happening is this world. There has been so much brutal mass killings of our people in America & around the world that one can only wonder that the recent horrible kilings of people of European descent is the retaliations of people that have looked into the true spirits of our opressors and consider themselves as our Avengers. When you see the disparities in the world one can only surmise that honorable people get fed up and what use to be the normal personality can become obssesive and irractic in behavior . A Super man or woman so to say. I do not condone the behavior of these extremist near and far but one has to wonder about the recent events of extremist . -
~In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ~Martin Luther King, Jr. ---

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Americans really wanted to stay away from any war however with the NRA and other racist elements realized they can't resort to an all out internal war so it seems acceptable to return to an War against other countries. So those that objected to war are now accepting the idea of reentry rather spending money on protecting America internally from chaos. Us being there opens us open for internal harm. What we need to do is retain by voting competent leaders to make decisions in favor of our well being. America has been so distracted . There has been so much money spent in America on hate that one has to wonder if that money was also used to fund ISIL. We must fall victim to Warmongers.