Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tulsa Cops Shoot And Kill Unarmed Black Man Whose Hands Were Up After His Car Stalls

This Article from Roland Martin

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Tulsa Cops Shoot And Kill Unarmed Black Man Whose Hands Were Up Aft...
Roland Martin
The family of Terence Crutcher is demanding answers after a Tusla, Oklahoma police officer shot and killed 40-year-old Terrance Crutcher last week.

Officers were responding to an unrelated call when they spotted Crutcher's SUV stalled in the middle of the road. Crutcher is then seen walking away from officers with his hands raised. Officers say Crutcher ignored commands and reached into the SUV. That's when an officer tased him and another shot him.

No weapon was found at the scene.

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

I have had to toss out of my every being some of the things I've been taught realizing that my Teachers, Parents, Leaders and other influences were entirely wrong but coming from a base that was their survival.
It's freeing to my personal self not to step to others drumbeat which made me internally struggle with what I know to be right.
I'm sadden to see my people continue to just fall into that ignorant line of herded flocks.
So I say to you I PRAY FOR YOU.



So I've been having the same conversation with many of my Black Folks that are blaming the LBGTQ community for the loss of Sports here in NC. So I engage & try to enlighten them that we too should do the same with our economic power to retrieve & maintain our rights.
However there are far too many of my people that are so brainwashed to see beyond their own desires in to watching a game and betting their money away .
The writing is on the wall but my people are bumping their heads into that wall and not doing the same thing by becoming economically sound and stable as a Community to do to the same thing for their own Freedoms.
They will not seek out Black Businesses nor will they move their money into a Black Bank.
What I know for sure is there is far too many of us that refuse to do business with their own Black people and rather get suckered punched by white people & become far too embarrassed to report them.
Let me just say I don't tolerate your ignorance well because you are not only hurting my freedoms but you are hurting my entire group of Black people.



So not that you ask me but WTH-I like Colin Powell because his stings of opinions are equal & across the board.
He admits like myself -which has happened more times that I care to share of being Hoodwinked by people.
I would've have voted for his old butt if he had ran for office also. He is what I remember about the Republican Party. (Fair-minded)
Don't you wonder why they hacked a powerful black man & the brilliant black sister in the Olympics?
Wake Up people- Wake the Hell Up!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why the Police are not condemning this?
Make you look complicit. No way you haven't heard about this . Get on top of it. This is not good look.
People will wonder just how rampant this is over the United States.
If Blacks are always suspects just because of the actions of some so you too should wear this atrocity badge as well.
A Teenager?????!!
Police snitches to aid crime just for sex????!!!!
We use to say "Damn ha shit must've been gold"!............
We own our criminals -Time for you to do as well or be suspect.
I've had some great conversations on how WS has righted some of their wrongs but this is something just because of the Sexual nature & fringe benefits & could look for all. If you think Dirt don't leak -you are sadly mistaken. People are human. Maybe publish from time to time your Bad Apples & you do have them. You allow them to float into other areas under privacy to only go on & do more bad things. Stop this cycle. TRUST??? You gotta be kidding.
So before those disgruntled employees or cohorts write those books, clean it up! What I've learn in life there are no secrets-people gladly tell yours & keep theirs. Take a lesson from me -I put my dirt out there so those that think they can hurt you get egg in their face. I wrote down on Facebook my entire bad life before I started.
I don't know anyone with pristine hands in the muckety muck of life.
Don't forget Church are full of damaged folks. Some are healed and most not. Just read Facebook.
Sex sells or shall I say people buy sex.


Oakland Police To Fire 4 Cops, Suspend 7 Others In Massive Sexual Miscon...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

When I think about how me & my Siblings were taught to put our lil Chore money in this Bank & how they later treated us as Black People. #poeticjustice #quakers
#oppressivebigots #racist #amerikkka