Wednesday, April 29, 2015

City of Winston Salem (across 52)

Wonder if we will get our Bond project after all others and they are substandard as they always have & have to dismantled due to inadequate construction. And people wonder why things happen.....

Sunday, April 26, 2015

DO WE HAVE A KILLER KING (hospital) ? > > > I was in Los Angeles when the MLK Hospital that low income and people of Color utilized was given the name of 'Killer King' because people were going in and not coming out alive. I am beginning to hear horrendous stories about our local hospital. I would love to get the statistics of how many people of Color went in and didn't make it out over the past few years. I had a horrible experience and corresponded with the administrator which of course denied it . So I just changed and never returned. Do you know of any bad experiences here?


> . . > > Now let me begin by saying I once was lost but now I'm really found. My family ate this and some still do . I would love to come home for WSSU Homecomings and indulge in a plate full of shit tubes. Pass the hot sauce!> . . However as one travel through their life's journey I would hope that some traditional things would have been rebuked via individual growth. I was proven wrong. I love to research and sometimes I am misled by (we know who does most of the reorganization of the written truths) writings. I wont make this a long drawn out blog however I have come to the conclusion that we are dying in more ways than one believing in the White man.> . . Eating & Believing in shit will get you a sure death by the words or hands of them.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

SO YOU DON'T CARE FOR POLITICS > . TO ALL THOSE THAT DON'T CARE ABOUT POLITICS IN THE NEAR FUTURE YOU OR FAMILY MEMBER WILL PROBABLY ENCOUNTER PRACTICES THAT ARE TARGETING PEOPLE OF COLOR WHILE YOU ARE SIMPLY DRIVING, WALKING, BICYCLING OR JUST STANDING LIKE ERIC GARNER . And for those of you that think you have arrived & live close to those that don't want you in their communities that ole burning of the cross has changed it's 'Modus Operandi'. This is when you need to find out all your Representatives and see just what they are doing to stop this PROFILING OF BLACK LIVES! > > . Food For Thought- They have failed with their Star Cyclist through drugging and also know that any Sport we endeavor that we will beat they living hell out of them. > . By Peter Holley> . .In Florida, police are waging a war on black bicycle riders, investigators say. > .For the past decade, Tampa police have enforced a “stop and frisk”-style policy that aggressively and disproportionately targets the city’s poor, black residents who ride bicycles, according to a Tampa Bay Times investigation. Cyclists can be stopped and ticketed for having a missing tail light, baggy clothing, pedaling through a high-crime neighborhood or not having their hands on the handlebars, which is no longer illegal, according to the Tampa newspaper. “It’s always the light, or to run your VIN number,” 31-year-old Anthony Gilbert told the Times. “‘Let’s have your ID. Just stand in front of my cruiser.’ Now you’re being humiliated. Your friend’s riding by. Your reverend might be riding by. Now, you’ve got to go to church. The pastor’s going to be like, ‘What happened, son?’ ” Of the 10,000 bicycle tickets issued by Tampa police in the past dozen years, the newspaper found that black cyclists received 79 percent of those citations, despite making up less than a quarter of the city’s population. [Florida man pretending to be a cop tried pulling over two detectives, police say] In the past three years alone, the Times reported, police have issued 2,504 bike tickets, which is more than Jacksonville, Miami, St. Petersburg and Orlando combined. Police have stopped some riders more than a dozen times, the newspaper reported, and, at least one individual has been ticketed three times in a single day. “If it’s not racial profiling, what is it?” Joyce Hamilton Henry, director of advocacy for ACLU of Florida, told the Times. Critics might call it “biking while black,” but police, the paper reported, have another name for it: proactive policing. “Instead of waiting to respond to 911 calls, officers now look for ways to initiate contact with potential lawbreakers and head off crime before it happens,” the Times wrote. “This is not a coincidence,” said Police Chief Jane Castor told the Times. “Many individuals receiving bike citations are involved in criminal activity.”


. > > > This image just bothers me to no end. For so long I have justified people of color going to war for the United States of America but if you notice we do not say The United States Of America anymore. Maybe in some instances like having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. > Even that is so foreign to my head and heart now with what is happening in America . > A speech keeps resonating in my spirit which says "STOP BEING THEIR GLADIATORS" because they don't care about you. They keep their family members out of Wars by using loopholes . This seems to have panned out to be so true. Stay Alert Folks! > Oh yeah while it's fresh in my head ask a Black Police how many white arrests have they made in their career?


> > > > > > It's time for people of color to examine why white people have one causality and they want a great inquisition and want heads to roll and change laws . But when it come to mass murders of other cultures they are so damn quiet. > > What we have to accept is they really don't give a damn about people of color . > > Now I have to generalized because of what is televised and what I witnessed in showing the lack of empathy for people of color that are missing, maimed, or killed. We lose one or a few causalities to a Drone while killing the bad people (our enemies) and the white crowd goes wild with petitions, talk shows,and boycotts but we just don't see that kind of empathy for people of color or other cultures. > > I UNDERSTAND WHY OUR BLACK LEADERS ARE SAYING ARM YOURSELVES! Because we are on our own here in America.

TIME FOR ALL A RUDE AWAKENING > > > > This is the kind of story that feeds into so many recesses of our bigoted lives. Not only will widen the gap between youth & church but questions the Humanity of Republicans. He will be doing 2 reality show in the future which will expose a lot to people . One of his transitions and the other is his daily life as a Transgender. Only when the what we truly are is challenged that we begin to see ourselves inwardly & others bigotry. I have watched the non tolerance of all ethnic groups of other cultures, backgrounds and religious belief ie. Black resentment of other nationalities with businesses that enter America and white people just not liking any other culture but their own Supremacist existence . If you believe in the signs of life (writing on the wall so to say)-the election of President Obama , the election of Pope Francis and others that rebuke what you have been brainwashed with. That I can only hope that you take a look at other things that you just don't have the research to back up why you believein them.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I have long asked the WS Neighborhood Alliance (all neighborhood Presidents) when are they going to be responsible for their homeless that we take care of in East Winston. We have all the Homeless & want to be our brother & sisters keeper but this City has made this Community a semblance of a Leper Colony which only makes the City non attractive. People can see right through WSNC policies & systematic way of disenfranchisement and further impoverishing of it helpless. The elite will throw money & time into the homeless project as long as you keep them away from their neighborhoods. Haven't you seen Down and Out In Beverly Hills?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'M WITH POTUS ON TPP- (My prerogative to change my mind)

>>>>>> >>>>> >>. >>>>


***************************> . . . This Great Leader needs Soldiers & Troops that follow his Lead and to mobilize the masses of people. Winston Salem NC Chapter do not need a Soldier (Leader) that do the will of the power to be in Local government that will do the bidding of their white masters. We have been disenfranchised for years by these politicians that have bargained their own to live comfortable. We need people that care about the injustices of our people and Lead accordingly. We made a mistake in Forsyth County in 2010 and we need to correct that so that Forsyth County can support one of the Greatest Champions of People Rights .


My People BE AWARE when you watch the idiot tube. I was listening to CNN discussing the WHITE MAN that shot Eric Harris and they said the WHITE MAN made a mistake. This is a psychological seed for to subdue the thoughts of Black People and gain sympathy for this WHITE MAN. This article could not even dignify Eric Bates with a whole name. BEWARE OF THE INPUT OF INFORMATION!> SEE LINK>>>>>>

Sunday, April 19, 2015

White boys fighting down town Winston salem



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Claim homestead somewhere else.

Well Melissa this is my letter to you. While traveling with my family all round the united states and abroad we would  get tax bills from the state of North Carolina. Now mind you the military there is not substantial pay. So here we are a family eligible for food stamps we were receiving $4,000.00 bills from the  IRS.

So in seeking legal advice we were told to claim homestead to the state that we were in that requires no taxes for the military.
So you see Melissa without being a proud North Carolinian we have to disown it from time to time.*giggle*  ;-)
Sincerely Marva

IRS files $70K tax lien against Harris-Perry, husband (Sent from WS Journal)

Hope my area is included exclamation

It's times like this that you wonder if your council person will champion York also your distress community area. we'll see.

City Council to hold special meeting Friday (Sent from WS Journal)

Segregation in North Carolina. What else is new

Why you should install outdoor cameras

If you are in the business of community work you will find yourself further down the road exposing the  very ones that are to help you and your neighborhoods and communities will turn on you and begin to investigate you and trump ways to harass you.
When you exposed them of using the very resources for themselves and their friends  and not doing their job they will become serious and 
Demonically targeting you to either harm you physically or financially. it is published in the Winston-Salem Journal how they targeted a 30-year community service person. they cited his home illegally going into it but because he he was fighting for the betterment of his community.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Well what's up with the city of Winston Salem? Spreading your contracting too thin? haven't seen anyone finish your project in 2 weeks. what's up with that? I saw Richie Brooks (he avoided our Neighborhood meeting request for 2 months) and the other inspector cruising through. The homeless veterans need homes! These are Historical structures and only the City of WS have reconfigured the 2 structures also without tagging or acknowledging their Historical Value. You don't want to finish this before yours ---is that it or do you want to continue to devalue this area? Most of them have been trained to spend more time in their side business than to do the peoples business. Anxious for Karma.............. Ritchie Brooks & Greg Turner stop avoiding E/NEWNA meetings.

Monday, April 6, 2015


KEEP IN MIND THAT WHEN THE LEADER RAN FOR POLITICAL OFFICE THE MEMBERS OF THE WSNC NAACP CHAPTER DID NOT ENDORSE NOR SUPPORT HIM IN ANY WAY. >Reposting b/c this is a damn shame the politicing in this matter. WS Politicians have seemed to corrupted this chapter by being involved. This appears not representative of NAACP. _____________________________________________________________ HELL WE BEEN IN LIMBO SINCE 2010!! THIS IS WHY WE VOTED HIM OUT. This is what you get when you have big names and politicians involved in organizational elections. They run off like cry babies when the people had already spoke with their votes .. dirty politics is what I say. I will not be part of a organization that has seemingly tricked people into changing their votes. it's a damn shame when folks can be run by white folkz. They have seemingly squashed the activities of Blacks in WS every since he was in office and the copartner politicians are in it too. People voted & no discrepancies in the numbers so why you have to change it? shows you have to cheat even when you're lost. check out my Another Thang Blog...coming soon . . . more to come coming soon/b>