Yes they are Racist & Black people need to tend to the Black needs & demand the equal treatment when we are in leadership roles.
As a Insider when I begin to understand our local white Democrats & Liberals were just as fearful of the Browning of America as their Republican counter parts.
I began to be very aware of their conscious or subconscious resentment to the Browning of America. If you know a so called white Democrat & Liberal go to their page & look as far back to 2008 til today & see if you find any continuous accolades of President Obama. Mind you our Black President actually began saving America's Ass from day 1 and every week there was an extraordinary Accomplishments for America by his Administration. Remember The Lilly Ledbetter Act (white) was #1? White women still are being paid more than Black Women.
We can go on & on of the accomplishments of the Best President that has ever been put in the White House . Some of you have read where I reminded you they are extremely envious of us because we exceed to excellence when given the opportunity. I do not worry about their resentment in what I'm saying because they are already hurting my people.
The Republicans & Democrats with the help of some of our own will always covertly suppress our future because of the fear of losing their stolen status. (Black African History)
You would have to be one of the biggest fools to not understand the numbers that white people rich, middle, blue collar , & poor voted for Donald Trump.
What is Ironic that they realize like Brexit that they need the so called Minority which is the Majority to not only work for them but spend with to support their businesses.
What I began to notice is there was a Black face put in front of some groups & organizations that there were whites in the positions of puppeteers and this began to be a problem of exclusion which some of my people couldn't see.
I much rather withdraw from the groups of white because they have a way of having things their way rather than be inclusive. You just being there they think that's inclusive. When you are not valued -leave.
How many of you saw Black person knocking on doors for this 2016 election? Well I also wrote about the whites coming in my Community making almost $18.00 an hour but not really doing any canvassing. Not once did I see a Black person in this Community making some of that money.
I literally saw every age group of white people in my Community doing Canvassing. *Credit-the elderly white couple did their job of outreach. In the past I recalled all nationalities coming in my community to GOTV. And 2008 through 2012 phone calls were sometimes overwhelming but mobilizing.
I slowly started separating myself from those that thought they were being inclusive all the while exhibited racist & bigoted ways.
When they only call you to be a token or to fill in to look palatable for publicity then you back off.
After I began to back off I found out that high level Blacks were also separating themselves from the local Democratic Party over the years but for the loyalty to the Party kept it unnoticeable .
While it's fresh in my mind I want to say that I have always been a follower of Keith Ellison long before I knew his brother. I have always admired the Muslims for their discipline and adopted not all but some of their doctrine.
I admire Keith Ellison for stepping up to the plate of wanting to lead the DNC but for what I just said is they always always find a way to weave their agenda into being on top and lack equality. ~Only Kibbles & Bits, Only kibbles & Bits.
I think if he can turn the Democrats into resembling what America really is for each & every individual equally the alright.
My preference for him would to empower a NEW Minority Party only because of the compromises he will have to take to stop the Democratic White-lash.

I have many white associates & make sure they know it's just that and hope they understand the pain I know & feel for my people is the reason I decided to become a Community leader. You will find that Black people will always be accepting for we once ruled the world with Harmony but y'all don't want to talk about that hidden history of my people.
So back to my experiences here with the white Democratic party but if you really look at the make up of precincts that have been diluted it is Black.
I noticed how the Democrats disrespected our Black President by erecting at the entrance a very small picture of President Barack Hussien Obama and an over-sized picture of JFK in their Political Office- I was aghast and will never get over that. (film clip included)
I never went around them since nor will I ever darkened the doors of their white racist party office.
#bigots#wsnc #fcdp
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