From time to Time I Remind us that North Carolina Confederacy Legislature & McCrory has NULLIFICATION on the waiting table.
Also maybe be why there is not to much support from our so called Liberal Caucasian folks because it would be a way to Genocide or revert back to when they were of Controlling Negroes again.
* because you want to remain quiet & passive will not spare you my dear black folks.
Black People Must Vote! March 15th !!!!!!
!!!![The words of nullification are still on our leaders lips.]
Honoring Dr. King means more than words
By Chris Fitzsimon
Celebrations and ceremonies will be held across the state this weekend to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Monday is the official state holiday set aside to honor King’s life and accomplishments.
That means politicians of all stripes will be joining arms and walking behind banners and making flowery speeches honoring the legacy of Dr. King, part of it anyway. Gov. Pat McCrory will speak at a breakfast in Burlington.
If this year is like previous ones, most of the politicians will reduce King’s message and life to one speech, to one symbol, to one dream and they will water down that powerful call for racial justice.
In the “I have a Dream” speech that will be quoted from at dozens of podiums this weekend, King not only talked about his hope for a day when people are judged not by the “color of their skin but of the content of their character,” he talked about a southern governor standing in the way, his lips “dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.”
King was talking about Alabama Governor George Wallace refusing to obey a federal court order to desegregate the schools, citing states’ rights and Alabama’s sovereignty in nullifying a federal law he didn’t like.
Nullification is still in the news more than 50 years later, a renewed rallying call for many on the Right---and not just the fringe. At a rally outside the Legislative Building on the opening day of the 2013 General Assembly session, leaders of radical tea party groups urged state lawmakers to “honor their oath” and nullify the Affordable Care Act that was passed by Congress and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Many Republican lawmakers attended the event and several addressed the crowd. Robin Hayes, who was then chair of the N.C. Republican Party, publicly thanked the organizers of the rally for their efforts.
The words of nullification are still on our leaders lips.
Gov. Pat McCrory said at a breakfast a few years ago that Dr. King was a personal hero of his. A few months ago McCrory signed legislation that will deny federal food stamp benefits to more than 100,000 people living on meager incomes well below the federal poverty line.
Wonder what McCrory’s hero would have thought of that?
King was killed in Memphis where he was fighting for the rights of sanitation workers to organize and speak with one voice. That doesn’t come up in the politicians’ speeches much or their press releases about how much King’s life work means to them to them.
They rarely mention his fight for fairer labor laws and higher wages and health care for workers. Public workers in North Carolina still have no right to collectively bargain for better pay and working conditions. [Read more...]http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/2016/01/14/honoring-dr-king-means-more-than-words/ — feeling concerned.
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