Friday, January 29, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Donald Trump campaign sinks to new low: President Obama is a “Negro” and a “half-breed”
And they wonder why we don't trust them . This has been going on not only to the best President America has ever had but to a group of people that you are extremely envious of that you were & continue to lie , cheat & steal & kill.
We understand that it is in your DNA but we took you at your Word of Biblical proportions only to find that you stole that as well. I can only hope that my people begin to seek truth and turn it around into their favor.
If there is no Pit of Hell we probably should invent one. Oh that's right you'll steal that too.
Monday, January 25, 2016
We still going through Apartheid in North Carolina
This shouldn't even be happening in America.
We vote for your causes but somehow you don't come out for ours.
HEADS UP--we choose HUMAN RIGHTS AS OUR NEXT SLOGAN (not that we have a word monopoly) but you have to admit when they give your rights somehow the Supreme Court strip us of more of our rights. And we are being targeted because we supported the smartest man that put every President to shame with Clinton, Kennedy, Carter all falling in line as well.
Confusing the masses is not a good thing. 1st come 1st served right?
Now don't go getting this twisted because your cause is important and we all know what kind of Democracy animal we are dealing with today.
So we all need to GOTV to get them out so that we all have fairness in every aspect of our daily living. IJS

We vote for your causes but somehow you don't come out for ours.
HEADS UP--we choose HUMAN RIGHTS AS OUR NEXT SLOGAN (not that we have a word monopoly) but you have to admit when they give your rights somehow the Supreme Court strip us of more of our rights. And we are being targeted because we supported the smartest man that put every President to shame with Clinton, Kennedy, Carter all falling in line as well.
Confusing the masses is not a good thing. 1st come 1st served right?
Now don't go getting this twisted because your cause is important and we all know what kind of Democracy animal we are dealing with today.
So we all need to GOTV to get them out so that we all have fairness in every aspect of our daily living. IJS

Saturday, January 23, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Seems like they are still experimenting on us. I know some of you may be doing this because of finances but did you know that there is a different pay scale for some donors. some get as much as $75.00 each donation of plasma.
Now what I have seen on my way to the Doctors my people faithfully going to these facilities to Donate Plasma .
But what seems extremely strange to me is why are these facilities popping up close to Black people? I overheard to donors talking that they donate 2 or 3 time a week. these facilities have a full load daily. Now why the need for that much Plasma? Why targeting Black Communities? What's really going on. I know that we live in a Biological Studies Area & are growing Human Organs with Wake Forest & all but have they started back experimenting on us in any form again?
If you know why explain please? the other question is why are they knowing taking plasma from substances abusers?
Is this why we see white people with big butts now? lol
Advanced Bio Services Llc
No reviews · Blood Donation Center
250 Ywca Way
CSL Plasma
No reviews · Blood Donation Center
3419 Patterson Ave · (336) 837-4038
Opens at 9:00 AM
Triad Blood Center
2 reviews · Medical Clinic
650 Coliseum Dr NW · (336) 721-0529
Saturday, January 16, 2016
One day you will read my words of how I had a pristine record even my entire family was investigated by the FBI in order for us to get a Top Secret Clearance to work & be citizen ambassadors for the USA in the Military of AFCENT only to return home after 25 years to Winston Salem NC and get a trumped up charge. DIRTY COPS. Iwas on my porch playing music below levels allowed but white cops target me in my own home but what one did is in ...............................
We lose because Blacks in positions will not stand up when they know it's wrong .
Please folks take that damn white ass gleam out your eyes when you see & hear white folks telling you something.
Chances are they have hoodwinked you once again to favor their whims .
When I read things of how NC white folks Democrats & Republicans continue to be able to ruled over us just by stating so it burns me up inside.
If you read this article and know that we as Blacks have choices in our Governor in the upcoming elections and the white man designated a Candidate without acknowledging the Blacks that were running for the same office as a Candidate how would you feel?
Well this is Racism 101 and to find that we have Black Democratic officers that would not open their mouths and say anything and/or give Black people an option to find out about or have the option of Voting for a extremely qualified Black person .
When you lack principle we called that Cooning for the white man. You have once again sacrificed all Black folks under your position not to mention your own blood relations.
Last election there was a white person that called me up and stated that "we can't have you saying that." So I quit and kept on saying that.
Mainly because it was the TRUTH.
Anytime you allow the truth to be squashed to favor a white person you have sacrificed not only your soul but your every existence .
Friday, January 15, 2016
Recently I was in the presence of someone that has power to be good or evil in their decisions over people .
They know me well and possibly one of my closeted-followers on social sites. So they went out of their way not to make contact with me or have pleasantries since we were all there for the same cause. I was snapping pictures of the people in the room and they twisted & turned as to not to allow me to take a picture. But I was insistent and took selfies with them in the background to show the look of total disdain for me.
When people of power such as this person and me being a Black person I must be very careful as to not go before them to make decisions about my fate. IJS #dangerouspower
So if it ever happens that I have to face this person I plead that since you have such a disdain for me PLEASE RECUSE yourself from ruling over me.
Thank you,
Wanting To Live :-)
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Commentary On Chris Fitzsimon MLK story

From time to Time I Remind us that North Carolina Confederacy Legislature & McCrory has NULLIFICATION on the waiting table.
Also maybe be why there is not to much support from our so called Liberal Caucasian folks because it would be a way to Genocide or revert back to when they were of Controlling Negroes again.
* because you want to remain quiet & passive will not spare you my dear black folks.
Black People Must Vote! March 15th !!!!!!
!!!![The words of nullification are still on our leaders lips.]
Honoring Dr. King means more than words
By Chris Fitzsimon
Celebrations and ceremonies will be held across the state this weekend to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Monday is the official state holiday set aside to honor King’s life and accomplishments.
That means politicians of all stripes will be joining arms and walking behind banners and making flowery speeches honoring the legacy of Dr. King, part of it anyway. Gov. Pat McCrory will speak at a breakfast in Burlington.
If this year is like previous ones, most of the politicians will reduce King’s message and life to one speech, to one symbol, to one dream and they will water down that powerful call for racial justice.
In the “I have a Dream” speech that will be quoted from at dozens of podiums this weekend, King not only talked about his hope for a day when people are judged not by the “color of their skin but of the content of their character,” he talked about a southern governor standing in the way, his lips “dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.”
King was talking about Alabama Governor George Wallace refusing to obey a federal court order to desegregate the schools, citing states’ rights and Alabama’s sovereignty in nullifying a federal law he didn’t like.
Nullification is still in the news more than 50 years later, a renewed rallying call for many on the Right---and not just the fringe. At a rally outside the Legislative Building on the opening day of the 2013 General Assembly session, leaders of radical tea party groups urged state lawmakers to “honor their oath” and nullify the Affordable Care Act that was passed by Congress and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Many Republican lawmakers attended the event and several addressed the crowd. Robin Hayes, who was then chair of the N.C. Republican Party, publicly thanked the organizers of the rally for their efforts.
The words of nullification are still on our leaders lips.
Gov. Pat McCrory said at a breakfast a few years ago that Dr. King was a personal hero of his. A few months ago McCrory signed legislation that will deny federal food stamp benefits to more than 100,000 people living on meager incomes well below the federal poverty line.
Wonder what McCrory’s hero would have thought of that?
King was killed in Memphis where he was fighting for the rights of sanitation workers to organize and speak with one voice. That doesn’t come up in the politicians’ speeches much or their press releases about how much King’s life work means to them to them.
They rarely mention his fight for fairer labor laws and higher wages and health care for workers. Public workers in North Carolina still have no right to collectively bargain for better pay and working conditions. [Read more...] — feeling concerned.
ANTIQUATED LEADERS HAS NO PLACE IN THIS GLOBAL SOCIETY-If they will not change for the better.
When you see me talking about Antiquated leaders this is a perfect example.
*Conyers was 59 when he first introduce it; now he's 85. ( Bill still not passed)
tenacity has it's place but to do what it takes to get the support for or have the zest to fight for it diminish with the years. smh.
I truly love this man and have followed him over the years but the laws that our people need to be made permanent NOW requires young or intense fighters and it's time for us to stop voting for people cause we like them and have known them since the age of dawn.
When they get older they begin to dangle crumpets your way which should have been there for you all the time.
Know this -our Young people understand & the BS is beginning to Change.
b>Most of us faithfully know the art of Football or any sports for that matter .
Where we can put this in practice as it pertains to our survival is we must 'TAKE THE BALL & RUN WITH IT'.
We must siege on the opportunity to make things right for our people in this Country. I ask that you make yourself aware of what your Government is doing and stop counting on word of mouth .
People in Office are there to work for you so ask why you &your people are being redlined still, poverty stricken still, pensions lower, and slaughtered daily.
Only because of you this is happening. That's right your inactions or fears of losing what they are going to take from you eventually anyway. (because of doing nothing now.)
Monday, January 11, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
MY THOUGHTS-LeVar Burton Says The Time Is Right For A 'Roots' Remake
I think this would be awesome if the story takes Black Folks to their Reality.
With the first Roots Series I noticed that Black folks cherished white-folks
(Master admiration) that they never explored the Lineage of their History.
Most were excited to find they had a white connection not realizing that it was only in name in order for whites to have wealth of slaves or either by the raping of Black people.
I will never forget how people had that gleam in their eye when speaking of the white people in their lineage.
Still today you find black that want to identify with whites rather than the rich history of being the first people on earth and God's chosen not the Cursed lie that was told.
It is this mind-set that we allow ourselves to be disrespected & slaughtered .~m&m
Friday, January 8, 2016
The Greatest Story Never Told --Part 1 & Why Black people fail to see the truth
It is very puzzling that Black know clearly that the white man stole everything but failed to see the stole their biblical history and made it theirs which controls Black People in everything they do.
Still Servants . Still sacrificing their Children lives as if murder is alright if it's white.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
It was then Congressman Mel Watt that reminded us that there all kinds of Democrats.
And if you are a person of color can name 10 things that Atty. Gen. Roy Cooper has done for you then vote for him. However I know you will vote for Ken Spaulding for NC Governor on March 15 NC Primaries.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
At FCDP meeting tonight people were announcing candidates for the different position and I find that this Winston Salem Headquarters seem to refuse to mention the great candidate running for Governor.
I can only give them the benefit of the doubt for tonight but as a party they know this candidate is running and he is a Democrat however have not given this extremely qualified person a chance for you to be exposed to him.
All the more reason that this will be my last election as a Democrat.
So I left the information of Ken Spaulding For Governor on the candidates table and hope they don't do what they did in 2008 with Barack Obama Voting information. (threw it in the trash)
So go to this page & know that we have options. We need someone that cares for us like Barack Obama. Vote Ken Spaulding for Governor.
Like these pages. Do your research & know before you Vote.
I can only give them the benefit of the doubt for tonight but as a party they know this candidate is running and he is a Democrat however have not given this extremely qualified person a chance for you to be exposed to him.
All the more reason that this will be my last election as a Democrat.
So I left the information of Ken Spaulding For Governor on the candidates table and hope they don't do what they did in 2008 with Barack Obama Voting information. (threw it in the trash)
So go to this page & know that we have options. We need someone that cares for us like Barack Obama. Vote Ken Spaulding for Governor.
Like these pages. Do your research & know before you Vote.
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