Thursday, December 31, 2020


#wssu should take another look at its board. We got rid of R.Barr because he actually lied during his campaign and said that he would look out for us-he didn't -he voted with the Republicans every step of the way at the school board. We voted him out of the School Board. Secondly, Board members politically serving another Ward should not be able to vote for the East Ward community. (you gave them permission) STOP SURRENDERING OUR BLACK LEGACY I have family dated back to 1952, my family member taught there, and a huge portion of my family attended & graduated every year to date there. I only took the annexed courses but I feel the #redsea Take a look at your board #wssu We are to share our space -wherever we are placed. much love- #UnionStation We #community fought hard. See you all January 21st, City Council

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


SAVE OUR BLACK HISTORY IN WINSTON SALEM!! The #Caucasians in Winston Salem will not allow our Historical Union Station to run unless they have control. I could see it clearly at the beginning of the new leader's (2018) reign of the East Ward. They surrounded the #blackleader like a band of Cowboys circling a Stagecoach (East Ward). One has planted themself in the WSSU board but has no Black Outreach or live among any Black people. The other one seemed to managed to convince the E.Ward leader to suggest a #whiteracist name for our Fairgrounds and go against the will of their constituents. The major #caucasians #stakeholders in the East End Planning used this leader to take our Black Dreams away. The other one seemingly claims to have concerns for #gentrification but has been buying up the Black community for #allentaterealtors and taking what could be #Blackwealth . They saw an eventual ownership takeover of all Black property aligned with downtown. I want Blacks to know that it seems the #Caucasian dominated Department Of Transportation that made sure that we would not have a fully #operating Train Station because it would bring greater Black wealth in the East Ward Community. So it appears when there are weakminded, with malice-liked leaders Black people get sold out. I'll never forget the day and *there will be a movie one day on this -that they sat on my porch knowing that there were not 1 but 2 security cameras recording them saying "Ewww! I didn't know it was so much power in council "and "There won't be no more suga daddies". So appears they enjoyed saying that to me because I've been an active community leader doing right by my people. Folks, I ask you all to stand strong For the East Ward. Any news source -I'll be glad to speak with you. Stop the #caucasian takeover!! City council meeting Jan 21st!! #Racism #CityofWSNC #27105 #BlackWealth #Takeover #Gentrification #WSCityCouncil #CaucasianStakeHolders My Association has been working on this project since 2005.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


STOP HARASSING MY BLACK SENIORS ABOUT SELLING THEIR HOMES!! I'm suggesting a #moratorium on people riding through our community and sending letters, postcards, and making these sometimes harassing phone calls. How would you feel if we did this in your neighborhood? This daily harassment is #mentalabuse of my Black Elders. To those that know me understand that I believe people treat you like they want to be treated and will get a taste of their own medicine. I will begin a group of folks to get the listing of Real estate owners/buyers & ride through your community & call repetitively your numbers as well. You are mean-spirited and abusive & persistent in your actions when you are told to stop. We ask that Legislature #AmberBaker to make a policy on these abusers of the Black communities. You may not be burning us down like #TulsaRaceMassacre but this is definitely #systemicracism by daily harassment of my Black people. Mr. Mayor, #AllenJoines you too can stop this as well. My people grow tired and should not receive this constant abuse from white people In #WSNC.