Saturday, February 23, 2019


When the Candidates Begin To Address With Litigious Intentions Of This Matter Along With Other Disenfranchisement Issues, Then You Have My Attention

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The State Of Virginia Racist/ Rapist Crisis

#ScrewThePundits #ThinkAboutTheLessonsLearned #BlackPeopleCanWin #TheFinalAnalysis

I hate #AcrossTheBoard mandates. Well, sometimes.
With this Virginia Crisis, the Governor first admitted that he did the racist act. Later retracted statement with admitting other racists acts.
Now it has opened the floodgates of all Racist/Rapist acts in Virginia Politics.
Stats show that these Leaders have had the full support of Black Voters.
*It is a fact that blacks have to pick the lesser of the evils.
Keeping this short & to my point at this time, Let all of them stay in office and hold their policies to the fire of accelerating Black people to the fullest and make amends for all past misdeeds.
Democrats owe nothing to Republicans or the rest of the Nation. So you have a Policy on Moral Standards but what you should not have is a mandate to destroy Democracy for the very people that voted for their Leaders.
If the Racist/Rapist GOP party can remain in office and continue their misgivings then we owe nothing to their outcries. Allow these leaders to make amends. I'm pretty sure the MeToo and Black people will be compensated by policies in Virginia.